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UMINF 14.06

Algorithms and Systems for Virtual Machine Scheduling in Cloud Infrastructures

With the emergence of cloud computing, computing resources (i.e., networks, servers, storage, applications, etc.) are provisioned as metered on-demand services over net- works, and can be rapidly allocated and released with minimal management effort. In the cloud computing paradigm, the virtual machine (VM) is one of the most com- monly used resource units in which business services are encapsulated. VM schedul- ing optimization, i.e., finding optimal placement schemes for VMs and reconfigu- rations according to the changing conditions, becomes challenging issues for cloud infrastructure providers and their customers.

The thesis investigates the VM scheduling problem in two scenarios: (i) single- cloud environments where VMs are scheduled within a cloud aiming at improving criteria such as load balancing, carbon footprint, utilization, and revenue, and (ii) multi-cloud scenarios where a cloud user (which could be the owner of the VMs or a cloud infrastructure provider) schedules VMs across multiple cloud providers, target- ing optimization for investment cost, service availability, etc. For single-cloud scenar- ios, taking load balancing as the objective, an approach to optimal VM placement for predictable and time-constrained peak loads is presented. In addition, we also present a set of heuristic methods based on fundamental management actions (namely, sus- pend and resume physical machines, VM migration, and suspend and resume VMs), continuously optimizing the profit for the cloud infrastructure provider regardless of the predictability of the workload. For multi-cloud scenarios, we identify key re- quirements for service deployment in a range of common cloud scenarios (including private clouds, bursted clouds, federated clouds, multi-clouds, and cloud brokering), and present a general architecture to meet these requirements. Based on this architec- ture, a set of placement algorithms tuned for cost optimization under dynamic pricing schemes are evaluated. By explicitly specifying service structure, component relation- ships, and placement constraints, a mechanism is introduced to enable service owners the ability to influence placement. In addition, we also study how dynamic cloud scheduling using VM migration can be modeled using a linear integer programming approach.

The primary contribution of this thesis is the development and evaluation of al- gorithms (ranging from combinatorial optimization formulations to simple heuristic algorithms) for VM scheduling in cloud infrastructures. In addition to scientific pub- lications, this work also contributes software tools (in the OPTIMIS project funded by the European Commissions Seventh Framework Programme) that demonstrate the feasibility and characteristics of the approaches presented.


cloud computing, virtual machine, scheduling, systems, algorithms


Wubin Li

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