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Umeå University
Department of Computing Science
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All years
UMINF Reports
UMINF 24.12
Julian Alfredo Mendez
Making Fairness Actionable
UMINF 24.10
Saloni Kwatra
Navigating Data Privacy and Utility: A Strategic Perspective
UMINF 24.09
Sourasekhar Banerjee
Advancing Federated Learning: Algorithms and Use-Cases
UMINF 24.04
Arezoo Hatefi
Deep Learning for News Topic Identification in Limited Supervision and Unsupervised Settings
UMINF 24.01
Suna Bench
Proceedings of Umeå's 27th Student Conference in Computing Science (USCCS 2024)
UMINF 23.04
Mohammad Reza Saleh Sedghpour
Towards Self-Driving Microservices
UMINF 23.03
Fateme Teimouri
Escaping ‘Death By GPS’: Foundations For Adaptive Navigation Assistance
UMINF 23.02
Tobias Sundqvist
Machine learning-based Diagnostics and Observability in Mobile Networks
UMINF 23.01
Suna Bensch
Proceedings of Umeå's 26th Student Conference in Computing Science (USCCS 2023)
UMINF 22.08
Helena Lindgren
Karin Danielsson
Per Holm
AI Competence and Education at Umeå Universitet: What's next? Workshop March 2022
UMINF 22.06
Teodora Neagu
Andrea Aler Tubella
Mental models of automated recruiting systems
UMINF 22.05
Ahmad H. Bokhari
Material distribution-based topology optimization for wave propagation problems
UMINF 22.04
Ahmad H. Bokhari
Eddie Wadbro
Sensitivity analysis of a coupled plasmonic problem
UMINF 22.01
Lili Jiang
Anna Jonsson
Lois Vanhee
Proceedings of Umeå's 25th Student Conference in Computing Science (USCCS 2022)
UMINF 21.08
Angelika Schwarz
Comparing the Performance of Computing Eigenvectors from the Schur Matrix and by Inverse Iteration from the Hessenberg Matrix
UMINF 21.07
Formalization of Dialogues from Movie Corpus using DAMSL Annotation Scheme as Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems
UMINF 21.06
Juan Carlos Nieves
Andrea Aler Tubella
Trustworthy AI Project - Practical Interview Protocol
UMINF 21.05
Angelika Beatrix Schwarz
Improving the Efficiency of Eigenvector-Related Computations
UMINF 21.04
Anna Jonsson
Best Trees Extraction and Contextual Grammars for Language Processing
UMINF 21.03
Virginia Dignum
Juan Carlos Nieves
Andreas Theodorou
Andrea Aler Tubella
An abbreviated assessment list to support the Responsible Development and Use of AI
UMINF 21.01
Chanh Nguyen Le Tan
Location-aware Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Clouds
UMINF 20.14
Helena Lindgren
Karin Danielsson
Per Holm
Tommy Löfstedt
Anna Mannelkvist
Ola Ringdahl
Patrik Rydén
AI Competence for Sweden vid Umeå Universitet - Rapport 2018-2019
UMINF 20.12
Hannah Devinney
Jenny Björklund
Henrik Bjorklund
Semi-Supervised Topic Modeling for Gender Bias Discovery in English and Swedish
UMINF 20.11
Xuan-Son Vu
Privacy-Guardian: The Vital Need in Machine Learning with Big Data
UMINF 20.10
-- Unknown author --
Modeling and Simulation of QoS-Aware Power Budgeting in Cloud Data Centers
UMINF 20.09
Linus Hägg
The fW‑mean Filter Framework for Topology Optimization and Analysis of Friedrichs Systems
UMINF 20.07
Lars Larsson
Managing Cloud Resource Scarcity
UMINF 20.06
Pedher Johansson
Marie Nordström
Den vetenskapliga tryggheten - två studier
UMINF 20.05
Pedher Johansson
Marie Nordström
Den vetenskapliga tryggheten - en workshop
UMINF 20.04
Pedher Johansson
Marie Nordström
Den vetenskapliga tryggheten - Ett lärande skrivande
UMINF 20.03
Abel Souza
Autonomous Resource Management for High Performance Datacenters
UMINF 20.02
Angelika Schwarz
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Lars Karlsson
Robust Parallel Eigenvector Computation For the Non-Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem
UMINF 20.01
Suna Bensch
Jerry Eriksson
Kary Främling
Thomas Hellström
Proceedings of Umeå's 24th Student Conference in Computing Science
UMINF 19.09
Mona Forsman
Benjamin Björklund
Henrik Bjorklund
Johanna Bjorklund
An AI-enabled assembly support system for industrial production
UMINF 19.07
Chanh Nguyen Le Tan
Autonomous Resource Management for Mobile Edge Clouds
UMINF 19.06
Xuan-Son Vu
Privacy-Awareness in The Era of Big Data and Machine Learning
UMINF 19.05
Angelika Beatrix Schwarz
Towards Efficient Overflow-Free Solvers for Systems of Triangular Type
UMINF 19.03
Johanna Bjorklund
Shay Cohen
Frank Drewes
Giorgio Satta
Bottom-Up Unranked Tree-to-Graph Transducersfor Translation into Semantic Graphs
UMINF 19.01
Petter Ericson
Order-Preserving Graph Grammars
UMINF 18.17
Johanna Björklund
Frank Drewes
Giorgio Satta
Z-automata for Compact and Direct Representation of Unranked Tree Languages
UMINF 18.16
Henrik Bjorklund
Frank Drewes
Petter Ericson
Parsing Weighted Order-Preserving Hyperedge Replacement Grammars
UMINF 18.15
Johanna Bjorklund
Henrik Bjorklund
Petter Ericson
Minimisation and Characterisation of Order-Preserving DAG Grammars
UMINF 18.14
Abel Souza
Application-Aware Resource Management for Datacenters
UMINF 18.13
Henrik Bjorklund
Frank Drewes
Petter Ericson
Florian Starke
Uniform Parsing for Hyperedge Replacement Grammars
UMINF 18.12
Anna Jonsson
Towards Semantic Language Processing
UMINF 18.11
Amardeep Mehta
Ewnetu Bayuh Lakew
Johan Tordsson
Erik Elmroth
Utility-based Allocation of Industrial IoT Applications in Mobile Edge Clouds
UMINF 18.10
Amardeep Mehta
Resource Allocation for Mobile Edge Clouds
UMINF 18.09
Chunli Yan
Developing Digital Support for Learning and Diagnostic Reasoning in Clinical Practice
UMINF 18.08
Chunli Yan
Helena Lindgren
A Generic Approach for Data Management and End-User Development of Clinical Decision Support Systems
UMINF 18.07
Johanna Bjorklund
Tree-to-graph transductions with scope
UMINF 18.06
UMINF 18.03
Claude Lacoursière
Tomas Härdin
FMIGo! A runtime environment for FMI based simulation.
UMINF 18.02
Mahmoud Eljammaly
Identification and Tuning of Algorithmic Parameters in Parallel Matrix Computations: Hessenberg Reduction and Tensor Storage Format Conversion
UMINF 17.20
Angelika Schwarz
Lars Karlsson
Towards an Efficient Sequential Bulge-Chasing Kernel
UMINF 17.19
Mahmoud Eljammaly
Lars Karlsson
Bo Kagstrom
An Auto-Tuning Framework for a NUMA-Aware Hessenberg Reduction Algorithm
UMINF 17.17
Lars Karlsson
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Negative stride in the column-major format makes sense and has useful applications
UMINF 17.15
Jayalakshmi Baskar and Helena Lindgren
A Semantic Model of Human-Agent Dialogues
UMINF 17.12
Henrik Bjorklund
Johanna Bjorklund
Petter Ericson
On the Regularity and Learnability of Ordered DAG Languages
UMINF 17.11
Mirko Myllykoski
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Lars Karlsson
Bo Kagstrom
Task-Based Parallel Algorithms for Reordering of Matrices in Real Schur Forms
UMINF 17.10
Bjorn Adlerborn
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Lars Karlsson
Bo Kagstrom
Towards Highly Parallel and Compute-Bound Computation of Eigenvectors of Matrices in Schur Form
UMINF 17.09
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Lars Karlsson
Robust solution of triangular systems
UMINF 17.07
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Froilán M. Dopico
Generic skew-symmetric matrix polynomials with fixed rank and fixed odd grade
UMINF 17.03
Niklas Zechner
Derivatives of Regular Expressions with Cuts
UMINF 17.02
Niklas Zechner
A Novel Approach to Authorship Attribution
UMINF 16.22
Mahmoud Eljammaly and Lars Karlsson
A Library for Storing and Manipulating Dense Tensors
UMINF 16.21
Mahmoud Eljammaly, Lars Karlsson, and Bo Kågström
Evaluation of the Tunability of New NUMA-Aware Hessenberg Reduction Algorithm
UMINF 16.20
Olumuyiwa Ibidunmoye
Erik Elmroth
Blackbox Strategies for Detecting Service Performance Anomalies in Virtualized Environments
UMINF 16.19
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Froilán M. Dopico
Generic matrix polynomials with fixed rank and fixed degree
UMINF 16.18
Johanna Bjorklund
Loek Cleophas
Minimization of finite state automata through partition aggregation
UMINF 16.17
Tanmay Chaudhry
Christoph Doblander
Anatol Dammer
Cristian Klein
Hans-Arno Jacobsen
Retrofitting Admission Control in an Internet-Scale Application
UMINF 16.16
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Miniversal deformations of pairs of skew-symmetric matrices under congruence
UMINF 16.14
Olumuyiwa Ibidunmoye
Performance Problem Diagnosis in Cloud Infrastructures
UMINF 16.13
Esubalewe Lakie Yedeg
Analysis, Control, and Design Optimization of Engineering Mechanics Systems
UMINF 16.12
Esubalewe Lakie Yedeg
On the use of thin structures to control the far-field properties of an acoustic devices
UMINF 16.11
Bjorn Adlerborn
Parallel Algorithms and Library Software for the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem on Distributed Memory Computer Systems
UMINF 16.10
Bjorn Adlerborn
Bo Kagstrom
Lars Karlsson
Distributed One-Stage Hessenberg-Triangular Reduction with Wavefront Scheduling
UMINF 16.09
Johanna Bjorklund
Loek Cleophas
Marcus Karlsson
Structured Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition
UMINF 16.08
Suna Bensch
Johanna Bjorklund
Martin Kutrib
Stack Transducers for Natural Language Interfaces
UMINF 16.07
Henrik Bjorklund
Johanna Bjorklund
Adam Dahlgren Lindstrom
Yonas Demeke Woldemariam
Implementing a speech-to-text pipeline on the MICO platform
UMINF 16.06
Johanna Björklund
Niklas Zechner
Syntactic methods for topic-independent authorship attribution
UMINF 16.04
Linus Hägg
Quasi-Arithmetic Filters for Topology Optimization
UMINF 16.03
Linus Hägg
Daniel Noreland
Eddie Wadbro
Martin Berggren
1D-model of the interaction between a stack of wood and an imposed electromagnetic wave
UMINF 16.01
Linus Hägg
Eddie Wadbro
Nonlinear filters in topology optimization: Existence of solutions and efficient implementation for minimal compliance problems
UMINF 15.20
Jakub Krzywda
P-O Ostberg
Erik Elmroth
A Sensor-Actuator Model for Data Center Optimization
UMINF 15.18
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Tools for Structured Matrix Computations: Stratifications and Coupled Sylvester Equations
UMINF 15.17
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Stefan Johansson
Bo Kågström
Paul Van Dooren
Geometry of spaces for matrix polynomial Fiedler linearizations
UMINF 15.16
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Structure preserving stratification of skew-symmetric matrix polynomials
UMINF 15.15
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Stefan Johansson
Bo Kågström
Canonical structure transitions of system pencils
UMINF 15.14
Petter Ericson
A Bottom-up Automaton for Tree-Adjoining Languages
UMINF 15.13
Henrik Björklund
Frank Drewes
Petter Ericson
Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Parsing for Hyperedge Replacement DAG Grammars
UMINF 15.12
Bjorn Adlerborn
Bo Kagstrom
Daniel Kressner
PDHGEQZ User Guide
UMINF 15.11
R.Talyansky, E.B. Lakew, C. Klein, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, E. Elmroth, E. Levy
Towards Optimized Self-Management of Distributed Object Storage Systems
UMINF 15.10
Ewnetu Bayuh Lakew
Autonomous Cloud Resource Provisioning: Accounting, Allocation, and Performance Control
UMINF 15.07
Emadeldeen Hassan
Topology Optimization of Antennas and Waveguide Transitions
UMINF 15.06
Emadeldeen Hassan, Eddie Wadbro, and Martin Berggren
Time-Domain Sensitivity Analysis for Conductivity Distribution in Maxwell's Equations
UMINF 15.05
Johanna Björklund
Marcus Karlsson
Probabilistic Lexicalized Tree-Insertion Grammars in Automatic Speech Recognition
UMINF 15.04
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Bo Kågström
Coupled Sylvester-type Matrix Equations and Block Diagonalization
UMINF 15.03
Suna Bensch
Thomas Hellström
Proceedings of Umeå's 19th Student Conference in Computing Science
UMINF 15.02
Lars Larsson
Placement and Monitoring of Orchestrated Cloud Services
UMINF 14.24
Robert Granat
Bo Kågström
Daniel Kressner
Meiyue Shao
PDHSEQR User's Guide
UMINF 14.23
Benjamin Fonooni
Cognitive Interactive Robot Learning
UMINF 14.22
Johanna Bjorklund
Frank Drewes
Niklas Zechner
An Efficient Best-Trees Algorithm for Weighted Tree Automata over the Tropical Semiring
UMINF 14.21
Mina Sedaghat,
Francisco Hernández-Rodriguez
Erik Elmroth,
Sarunas Girdzijauskas
Divide the Task, Multiply the Outcome: Cooperative VM Consolidation
UMINF 14.19
Jayalakshmi Baskar
Adaptive Human-Agent Dialogues for Reasoning about Health
UMINF 14.18
Fotios Kasolis
The Material Distribution Method: Analysis and Acoustics Applications
UMINF 14.17
Lena Palmquist
Exploring self-efficacy in end-user programming – a feminist approach
UMINF 14.16
Claude Lacoursière
Tomas Sjöström
A non-smooth event-driven, accurate, adaptive time stepper for simulating switching electronic circuits.
UMINF 14.15
Gonzalo Rodrigo Alvarez
Establishing the equivalence between operators
UMINF 14.14
Gonzalo Rodrigo Alvarez
Proof of compliance for the relative operator on the proportional distribution of unused share in an ordering fairshare system
UMINF 14.13
Martin Berglund
Complexities of Order-Related Formal Language Extensions
UMINF 14.12
Martin Berglund
Henrik Bjorklund
Frank Drewes
Characterizing Non-Regularity
UMINF 14.11
Petter Svärd
Benoit Hudzia
Johan Tordsson
Erik Elmroth
Hecatonchire: Enabling Multi-Host Virtual Machines by Resource Aggregation and Pooling
UMINF 14.10
Petter Svärd
Benoit Hudzia
Steve Walsh
Johan Tordsson
Erik Elmroth
The Noble Art of Live VM Migration - Principles and Performance
UMINF 14.08
Petter Svärd
Wubin Li
Eddie Wadbro
Johan Tordsson
Erik Elmroth
Continuous Datacenter Consolidation
UMINF 14.07
Michael Minock
Johan Mollevik
Mattias Asander
Does TTS-based Pedestrian Navigation Work?
UMINF 14.06
Wubin Li
Algorithms and Systems for Virtual Machine Scheduling in Cloud Infrastructures
UMINF 14.05
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Skew-Symmetric Matrix Pencils: Stratification Theory and Tools
UMINF 14.04
Frank Drewes
Berthold Hoffmann
Contextual Hyperedge Replacement
UMINF 14.03
Björn Adlerborn, Bo Kågström, and Daniel Kressner
A Parallel QZ Algorithm for Distributed Memory HPC Systems
UMINF 14.02
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Bo Kågström
Orbit closure hierarchies of skew-symmetric matrix pencils
UMINF 13.22
Johan Mollevik
Natural Language Interfaces over Spatial Data: Investigations in Scalability, Extensibility and Reliability
UMINF 13.21
Fredrik Georgsson, Tekniska högskolan vid Umeå universitet
Susanne Vikström, Tekniska högskolan vid Umeå universitet
Svante Gunnarsson, Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet
Johan Malmqvist, Chalmers tekniska högskola
Roy Andersson, Lunds tekniska högskola
Dag Raudberget, Tekniska högskolan i Jönköping
Stefan Pålsson, Uppsala universitet
Konferenspublikation till 4:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar
UMINF 13.20
Benjamin Fonooni
Robot Learning and Reproduction of High-Level Behaviors
UMINF 13.18
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Stefan Johansson
Bo Kågström
Codimension computations of congruence orbits of matrices, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrix pencils using Matlab
UMINF 13.15
Mauricio Osorio
Juan Carlos Nieves
Alejandro Santoyo
Complete Extensions as Clark's Completion Semantics
UMINF 13.14
-- Unknown author --
Capacity Scaling for Elastic Compute Clouds
UMINF 13.13
Ahmed Aleyeldin
Johan Tordsson
Erik Elmroth
Maria Kihl
Workload Classification for Efficient Auto-Scaling of Cloud Resources
UMINF 13.12
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Bo Kågström
Vladimir V. Sergeichuk
Symmetric matrix pencils: codimension counts and the solution of a pair of matrix equations
UMINF 13.11
Henrik Björklund
Johanna Björklund
Niklas Zechner
Compact representation of finite automata with failure transitions
UMINF 13.09
Esubalewe Lakie Yedeg
Control and Design of Engineering Mechanics Systems
UMINF 13.08
Emadeldeen Hassan
Metallic Antenna Design Based on Topology Optimization Techniques
UMINF 13.07
Robert Helgesson
Generalized General Logics
UMINF 13.06
Daniel Sjölie
Human brains and virtual realities - Computer-generated presence in theory and practice
UMINF 13.05
Daniel Sjölie
Grégoria Kalpouzos
Johan Eriksson
Capturing neural correlates of disrupted presence in a naturalistic virtual environment
UMINF 13.04
Daniel Sjölie
Lars-Erik Janlert
Mind the Brain: The Potential of Basic Principles for Brain Function and Interaction
UMINF 13.03
Daniel Sjölie
Cognitive Rehabilitation with Realistic and Adaptive Computerized Cognitive Training: A Selective Interdisciplinary Review
UMINF 13.02
Mostafa Pordel
Thomas Hellström
Robotics Architecture Frameworks, Available Tools and Further Requirements
UMINF 13.01
Suna Bensch
Frank Drewes
Proceedings of Umeå's 16th Student Conference in Computing Science
UMINF 12.20
Thomas Hellström
Peter Hohnloser
Ola Ringdahl
Tree diameter estimation using laser scanner
UMINF 12.19
Thomas Hellström
An intelligent rollator with steering by braking
UMINF 12.18
Michael Minock
Johan Mollevik
Mattias Åsander
Toward an Active Database Platform for Guiding Urban Pedestrians
UMINF 12.17
Suna Bensch
Frank Drewes
Helmut Jürgensen
Brink van der Merwe
Correct Readers for the Incremental Construction of Millstream Configurations by Graph Transformation
UMINF 12.16
Ugis Lacis, Eddie Wadbro, and Martin Berggren
Design optimization of phone casings for sound vibration damping: preliminary studies on an Euler–Bernoulli beam model
UMINF 12.15
Frank Drewes
Joost Engelfriet
The Generative Power of Delegation Networks
UMINF 12.14
Wubin Li, Petter Svärd, Johan Tordsson and Erik Elmroth
A General Approach to Service Deployment in Cloud Environments
UMINF 12.13
Wubin Li
Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Environments
UMINF 12.10
Martin Berglund
Complexities of Parsing in the Presence of Reordering
UMINF 12.09
Martin Berglund
The Membership Problem for the Shuffle of Two Deterministic Linear Context-Free Languages is NP-complete
UMINF 12.08
Juan Carlos Nieves
Helena Lindgren
Holistic Argumentation: a Logic Programming Approach
UMINF 12.07
Meiyue Shao
Parallel variants and library software for the QR algorithm and the computation of the matrix exponential of essentially nonnegative matrices
UMINF 12.06
Robert Granat
Bo Kågström
Daniel Kressner
Meiyue Shao
Parallel library software for the multishift QR algorithm with aggressive early deflation
UMINF 12.05
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Bo Kågström
Vladimir Sergeichuk
The solution of a pair of matrix equations (X^T A+A X, X^T B+B X)=(0, 0) with skew-symmetric A and B
UMINF 12.04
Meiyue Shao
Weiguo Gao
Jungong Xue
Aggressively truncated Taylor series method for accurate computation of exponentials of essentially nonnegative matrices
UMINF 12.03
Johanna Björklund
Lars-Daniel Öhman
Simulation relations as a means for pattern-matching in treebanks
UMINF 12.02
Bensch, Drewes, Gulliksson, Mejtoft
Proceedings of Umeå's 15th Student Conference in Computing Science
UMINF 11.22
Meiyue Shao
PDLAQR1: An improved version of the ScaLAPACK routine PDLAHQR
UMINF 11.19
Thomas Hellström
Kinematics Equations for Differential Drive and Articulated Steering
UMINF 11.18
Thomas Hellström
Robot Naviation with Potential Fields
UMINF 11.17
Thomas Hellström
Biological Foundations of Robot Behavior
UMINF 11.14
Erik Billing
Achilles' heel of cognitive science
UMINF 11.13
Ola Ågren
Using the ProT Nordic Web Dataset
UMINF 11.12
Bo Kågström
Stefan Johansson
Pedher Johansson
StratiGraph Tool: Matrix Stratifications in Control Applications
UMINF 11.11
Stefan Johansson
Bo Kågström
Paul Van Dooren
Stratification of Full Rank Polynomial Matrices
UMINF 11.09
Claude Lacoursiere
Mattias Linde
Spook: a variational time-stepping scheme for rigid multibody systems subject to dry frictional contacts
UMINF 11.08
Daniel Espling
Metadata Management in Multi-Grids and -Clouds
UMINF 11.07
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Bo Kågström
Incomplete cyclic reduction of banded and strictly diagonally dominant linear systems
UMINF 11.04
Lars Karlsson
Scheduling of Parallel Matrix Computations and Data Layout Conversion for HPC and Multi-Core Architectures
UMINF 11.02
Per-Olov Östberg
Virtual Infrastructures for Computational Science: Software and Architectures for Distributed Job and Resource Management
UMINF 11.01
Martin Berglund
Henrik Björklund
Johanna Högberg
Recognizing Shuffled Languages
UMINF 10.15
Marie Nordstrom
Object Oriented Quality in Introductory Programming Education
UMINF 10.14
Lars Karlsson
Bo Kågström
Parallel two-stage reduction to Hessenberg form using shared memory
UMINF 10.13
Bo Kågström
Daniel Kressner
Meiyue Shao
On aggressive early deflation in parallel variants of the QR algorithm
UMINF 10.12
Lars Karlsson
Bo Kågström
Efficient Reduction from Block Hessenberg Form to Hessenberg Form using Shared Memory
UMINF 10.11
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Bo Kågström
Parallel Solution of Narrow Banded Diagonally Dominant Linear Systems
UMINF 10.10
Henrik Björklund
Johanna Högberg
Shuffle Languages for Plan Recognition
UMINF 10.06
Johanna Högberg and Lisa Kaati
Weighted Unranked Tree Automata as a Framework for Plan Recognition
UMINF 10.05
Fred Gustavson
Lars Karlsson
Bo Kågström
Parallel and Cache-Efficient In-Place Matrix Storage Format Conversion
UMINF 10.04
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Any positive residual curve is possible for the EKSM for Lyapunov equations
UMINF 10.03
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Any positive residual curve is possible for the Arnoldi method for Lyapunov matrix equations
UMINF 10.02
Helena Lindgren
DMSS – a Dementia Management and Support System for providing Tailored Advice in the Dementia Workup
UMINF 10.01
D. Noreland
R. Udawalpola
P. Seoane
E. Wadbro
M. Berggren
An efficient loudspeaker horn designed by numerical optimization: an experimental study
UMINF 09.22
Frank Drewes
Johanna Högberg
Andreas Maletti
MAT Learners for Tree Series - an Abstract Data Type and Two Realizations
UMINF 09.21
Suna Bensch
Frank Drewes
Millstream Systems
UMINF 09.20
Erik Billing
Cognition Reversed - Robot Learning from Demonstration
UMINF 09.19
Niclas Börlin
Christina Olsen
3D Measurements of Buildings and Environment for Harbor Simulators
UMINF 09.18
Håkan Fors Nilsson och David Grundberg
Plane-Based Close Range Photogrammetric Reconstruction of Buildings
UMINF 09.17
Thomas Hellström
Imitation and Priming in Humans, Animals and Machines
UMINF 09.16
Thomas Hellström
Attention and Cognitive Control in Humans, Animals and Intelligent Systems
UMINF 09.15
Per-Olov Östberg
Architectures, Design Methodologies, and Service Composition Techniques for Grid Job and Resource Management
UMINF 09.14
Erik Elmroth
Per-Olov Östberg
A Composable Service-Oriented Architecture for Middleware-Independent and Interoperable Grid Job Management
UMINF 09.12
Ola Ågren
Finding, Extracting and Exploiting Structure in Text and Hypertext
UMINF 09.11
Lars Karlsson
Blocked and Scalable Matrix Computations -- Packed Cholesky, In-Place Transposition, and Two-Sided Transformations
UMINF 09.10
Robert Granat
Bo Kågström
SCASY Users' Guide - Release 1.0
UMINF 09.09
Daniel Sjölie
The brain and interaction in a multimodal reality
UMINF 09.08
Johan Tordsson
Portable Tools for Interoperable Grids - Modular Architectures and Software for Job and Workflow Management
UMINF 09.07
Marie Nordstrom
He[d]uristics - Heuristics for designing object oriented examples for novices
UMINF 09.06
Robert Granat, Bo Kågström and Daniel Kressner
A novel parallel QR algorithm for hybrid distributed memory HPC systems
UMINF 09.05
Erik Elmroth
Francisco Hernández
Johan Tordsson
Three Fundamental Dimensions of Scientific Workflow Interoperability: Model of Computation, Language, and Execution Environment
UMINF 09.04
Stefan Johansson
Tools for Control System Design --- Stratification of Matrix Pairs and Periodic Riccati Differential Equation Solvers
UMINF 09.03
Sergei Gusev
Stefan Johansson
Bo Kågström
Anton Shiriaev
Andras Varga
A numerical evaluation of solvers for the Periodic Riccati Differential Equation
UMINF 09.02
Stefan Johansson
Reviewing the closure hierarchy of orbits and bundles of system pencils and their canonical forms
UMINF 09.01
Lars Karlsson
Blocked In-Place Transposition with Application to Storage Format Conversion
UMINF 08.11
Thomas Pederson and Dipak Surie
A Situative Space Model for Distributed Multimodal Interaction
UMINF 08.10
Erik Billing
Thomas Hellström
Formalising Learning from Demonstration
UMINF 08.09
Jürgen Börstler
Marie Nordström
Lena Kallin Westin
Jan Erik Moström
Henrik B. Christensen
Jens Bennedsen
An Evaluation Instrument for Object-Oriented Example Programs for Novices
UMINF 08.07
Thomas Hellström
Ola Ringdahl
Path planning for off-road vehicles with a simulator-in-the-loop
UMINF 08.06
Thomas Hellström
Pär Lärkeryd
Tomas Nordfjell
Ola Ringdahl
UMINF 08.05
Jeanette Tångrot
Structural Information and Hidden Markov Models for Biological Sequence Analysis (PhD)
UMINF 08.03
Erik Elmroth, Stefan Johansson & Bo Kågström
Stratification of Controllability and Observability Pairs - Theory and Use in Applications
UMINF 08.02
Marie Nordström
Lärstil och Undervisningsstil - Finns det något samband?
UMINF 08.01
Thomas Nilsson
Distribured Multiple Access and Service Differentiation Algorithms for Wireless Networks (PhD)
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Page Responsible:
Frank Drewes