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UMINF Reports 2016

UMINF 16.22
Mahmoud Eljammaly and Lars Karlsson
A Library for Storing and Manipulating Dense Tensors
UMINF 16.21
Mahmoud Eljammaly, Lars Karlsson, and Bo Kågström
Evaluation of the Tunability of New NUMA-Aware Hessenberg Reduction Algorithm
UMINF 16.17
Tanmay Chaudhry , Christoph Doblander , Anatol Dammer , Cristian Klein and Hans-Arno Jacobsen
Retrofitting Admission Control in an Internet-Scale Application
UMINF 16.06
Johanna Björklund and Niklas Zechner
Syntactic methods for topic-independent authorship attribution

Page Responsible: Frank Drewes