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UMINF 20.10

Modeling and Simulation of QoS-Aware Power Budgeting in Cloud Data Centers

Power budgeting is a commonly employed solutionto reduce the negative consequences of high power consumptionof large scale data centers. While various power budgetingtechniques and algorithms have been proposed at different levelsof data center infrastructures to optimize the power allocation toservers and hosted applications, testing them has been challengingwith no available simulation platform that enables such testingfor different scenarios and configurations. To facilitate evaluationand comparison of such techniques and algorithms, we introducea simulation model for Quality-of-Service aware power budgetingand its implementation in CloudSim. We validate the proposedsimulation model against a deployment on a real testbed, show-case simulator capabilities, and evaluate its scalability


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Entry responsible: Ahmed Aleyeldin

Page Responsible: Frank Drewes