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UMINF 21.03

An abbreviated assessment list to support the Responsible Development and Use of AI

To ensure that requirements for Trustworthy AI are fully integrated in the development and use of AI systems, means to support the assessment of tools, development processes, applications and systems are needed. As part of our contribution to the AI4EU, we have developed an abbreviated assessment framework, based on the Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI), developed by the European High-Level Expert Group on AI. This abbreviated assessment list is mainly meant to assess the AI applications shared through the AI4EU catalogue, but it also can support organisations perform a ‘quick scan’ of the AI-application they want to develop, procure, deploy, or use. This quick-scan list is a self-assessment tool to quickly identify the relevant elements of responsible AI and the level of adherence to these elements. It will help determine the level of impact of the AI applications and provide options to balance different tensions and interests. The assessment is based on a set of 15 questions grouped into 3 topics: impact on citizens and society, technology, and governance.


AI Ethics, Assessment, Good Practice, Governance, Responsible AI


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Entry responsible: Tatyana Sarayeva

Page Responsible: Frank Drewes