
Change password with Umu-id authentication on the Web

Login with your university Umu-id account and password

Change Password with Umu-id [Students + Staff allowed]

Note: This changes the password for your CS account only. The Umu-id account is only used as alternative verification/authentication and will not be modified.

Note2: If you need to reset your Umu-id password, you can do that on

Change password with CS authentication on the Web

Login with your local CS username and password

Change Password with CS-account [Students + Staff allowed]

Remember to logout from the page when you are done

Change password with SSH

Use a browser based terminal, or an ssh client such as PuTTY for Windows or a terminal + ssh for Linux/Mac.

Connect to and run the command password.

Create and Manage service specific passwords

Login with your local CS username and password

Manage Service Passwords

What is this?
A Service Password is a password that is only valid for a specific service, such as E-mail.
Why should I use a Service Password instead of my regular password?
As a Service Password is only valid for a specific service it greatly limits what could happen if the password were to fall into the wrong hands.
Also it is much easier to add/revoke a Service Password than it would be to change your regular password.
The Service Password is so long and complicated, there's no way I'm going to remember it!
You should NOT try to remember these kinds of passwords.
You should just create a new password for each device/software that needs it and tell that software to remember it for you.
That way you can revoke the password for one device without it affecting any of your other devices

Setup MFA on CS-account

Login with your local CS username and password

Setup CS-Account MFA

Secure your CS-account with a MFA/2FA device.

Remember to logout from the page when you are done

Instructions on setting up MFA are available on Support pages