Code | App.code | Start week | Stop week | Speed | Hp | Name (swe) | Name (eng) | In English | Schedule | Syllabus | Comment |
5DA003 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Matrisberäkningar och tillämpningar | Matrix Computations and Applications | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DA004 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Optimering med tillämpningar | Engineering Optimization | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV088 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Systemnära programmering | C programming and Unix | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV102 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Grundläggande logik och modellteori | Fundations of Logic and Model Theory | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV123 |
| 202436 | 202448 | 25 | 4.5 | Teknisk beräkningsvetenskap II | Scientific Computing II | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV136 |
| 202436 | 202503 | 100 | 30.0 | Examensarbete för masterexamen i datavetenskap (generell och inriktning datalogi) | Degree Project: Master of Science (two years) in Computing Science (General degree and specialization: computer science) | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV143 |
| 202436 | 202503 | 100 | 30.0 | Examensarbete för civilingenjörsexamen i teknisk datavetenskap | Degree Project in Computing Science Engineering | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV148 |
| 202436 | 202503 | 10 | 3.0 | Python för C-programmerare | Python for C-programmers | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV150 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Datastrukturer och algoritmer (Python) | Data Structures and Algorithms (Python) | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV152 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Parallell programmering för multicore-baserade system | Parallel programming for multicore-based systems | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV154 |
| 202444 | 202451 | 50 | 4.5 | Teknisk beräkningsvetenskap I | Scientific Computing I | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV157 |
| 202440 | 202444 | 100 | 7.5 | Programmeringsteknik med C och Matlab | Introductory programming in C and Matlab | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV163 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | DV4: Datavetenskaplig logik | CS4: Logic for computer science | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV175 |
| 202444 | 202449 | 100 | 7.5 | Resonerande och informationsbehandling | Reasoning and Information Processing | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV176 |
| 202440 | 202444 | 100 | 7.5 | Programmeringsteknik med Python och Matlab | Introductory programming in Python and Matlab | Schedule | Swe Eng | Jan-Erik Moström är kursansvarig och examinator på distanstillfället. | |
5DV177 |
| 202440 | 202444 | 100 | 7.5 | Programmering i Python | Programming in Python | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV179 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Datorgrafik | Computer Graphics | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV181 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Artificiell intelligens - metoder och tillämpningar | Artificial Intelligence - Methods and Applications | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV182 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Effektiva algoritmer | Efficient algorithms | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV184 |
| 202436 | 202503 | 25 | 7.5 | Student Conference in Computing Science | Student Conference in Computing Science | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV185 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Interaktivitet i smarta miljöer | Interactivity in smart environments | Schedule | Swe Eng | Course Canceled | |
5DV187 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Databasteknik | Database System Principles | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV188 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Kognitiv interaktionsdesign | Cognitive Interaction Design | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV189 |
| 202436 | 202503 | 100 | 30.0 | Examensarbete för civilingenjörsexamen i interaktion och design | Degree Project in Science and Engineering in Interaction Technology and Design | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV192 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Datormoln | Cloud computing | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV199 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 100 | 15.0 | Examensarbete för kandidatexamen i datavetenskap | Degree Project: Bachelor of Science in Computing Science | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV200 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Beräkningskomplexitet | Computational Complexity | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV205 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Avancerade distribuerade system | Advanced distributed systems | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV206 |
| 202436 | 202503 | 100 | 30.0 | Examensarbete för masterexamen i datavetenskap (inriktning Robotik och reglerteknik) | Degree Project: Master of Science (two years) in Computing Science (specialization Robotics and control) | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV208 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | DV3: Beräkningar och språk | CS3: Computations and languages | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV212 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Datakommunikation och internet | Computer Networks and the Internet | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV213 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Datakommunikation och datornät | Computer Networks | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV216 |
| 202436 | 202503 | 100 | 30.0 | Examensarbete för masterexamen i datavetenskap (inriktning artificiell intelligens) | Degree Project: Master of Science (two years) in Computing Science (specialization Artificial Intelligence) | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV218 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Språkteknologi | Natural Language Processing | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV219 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Individuellt projekt i Artificiell Intelligens | Individual project in Artificial intelligence | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV220 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Datorsäkerhet | Computer Security | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV221 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Imperativ programmering (C) | Imperative Programming (C) | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV222 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Applikationsutveckling (Java) | Application Development (Java) | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV223 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | DV0: Datavetenskapligt tänkande | CS0: Computational Thinking | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV224 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | DV1: Datatyper och datastrukturer | CS1: Data Types and Data Structures | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV227 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Metoder och verktyg för datavetare | Methods and Tools for Computer Scientists | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV228 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Mobil robotik | Mobile Robotics | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV229 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Människa-datorinteraktion | Human-Computer Interaction | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV231 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Teknisk-vetenskapliga beräkningar | Scientific Computing | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV233 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Applikationsutveckling för bioinformatik | Application Development for Bioinformatics | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV234 |
| 202436 | 202503 | 10 | 3.0 | C för Python-programmerare | C for Python Programmers | Schedule | Swe Eng | ||
5DV237 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Prestandaprogrammering | Performance Programming | Yes | Schedule | Swe Eng | |
5DV243 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Artificiell intelligens | Artificial Intelligence | Yes | Schedule | ||
5DV244 |
| 202436 | 202444 | 50 | 7.5 | Människocentrerad artificiell intelligens | Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence | Yes | Schedule | ||
5DV245 |
| 202444 | 202503 | 50 | 7.5 | Människa-AI-interaktion | Human-AI Interaction | Yes | Schedule | ||
Tip: hold the Shift -key to sort multiple columns |
Last modified: 2024-10-23 06:46